
Homeopathy is a holistic system of treatment that aims to stimulate the body’s natural ability to heal itself.

What is homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a holistic system of treatment that aims to stimulate the body’s natural ability to heal itself. Homeopathy works on the principle of ‘like cures like’ – individuals are treated with highly diluted substances that would produce similar symptoms to those experienced by the patient if given in a crude form. For example, a homeopath might use a coffee based remedy to treat insomnia. There are over 3,000 remedies in our materia medica to choose from, so the skill of the homeopath is to look at the whole – the mental/emotional, general and physical symptoms and try and match those symptoms to a remedy. Remedies are most commonly made from plants, minerals or animals.

Is homeopathy suitable for everyone?

Homeopathy is a gentle system of healing and can be used to treat individuals of any age. Babies and young children tend to be particularly responsive to treatment. Many people have found homeopathy useful to relieve a myriad of conditions including:

‘Acutes’ – coughs, colds, flu, stomach upsets etc.
Allergies – including hayfever, eczema and asthma
Hormonal problems – including menstrual problems, thyroid issues
Insomnia, depression, anxiety
…a feeling of just not quite feeling right

Many mothers turn to homeopathy during pregnancy. I have worked with many ladies with pregnancy related symptoms using homeopathy to support them. Homeopathy can also be used safely during labour and beyond.

What can I expect from treatment?

A first consultation takes up to 1 ½ hours. During this session I take a thorough case history. This involves finding out as much as I can about the nature of your symptoms – as well as understanding a bit about your personality and lifestyle. In addition, I explore your medical history and your family medical history – all of which are important in finding the right remedy.

I typically ask for a follow up in about 6 weeks after the first appointment which usually takes 30-40 minutes.

Unless I am treating an acute condition, I will usually spend some time analysing your case after the consultation before sending you a remedy in the post.

How long will treatment take?

There are no hard and fast rules, everybody is different. Most people see discernible results fairly quickly; often they start to feel ‘better in themselves’ and will experience a gradual improvement in their symptoms. However, if you have been unwell for some time, it may take longer to return to health.

Fees and how to fund your treatment

Many insurance companies recognise and fund homeopathic treatment.
To find out if your insurance covers treatment click here.

First consultation £80
(lasts approximately 1 ½ hours)

Follow-up consultations £65
(lasts approximately ½ hour)


First consultation £60
(lasts approximately 1 hour)

Follow-up consultation £50
(lasts approximately ½ hour)

Home visits
As above plus £20

Above fees include:
– Homeopathic remedies, usually posted within 2 days of consultation
– Some communication between appointments regarding treatment.

Acute treatment

15 minute consultation, including follow up £25
(Face to face, SKYPE, zoom or telephone)

Appointments at:
The Sunflower Centre Brockley
T 0208 694 2714