If you are interested in finding out more about homeopathy:
The British Homeopathic Association
If you care about ensuring Homeopathy is an option for you and your family in the future, check out 4Homeopathy.
Homeopathic pharmacies
Helios (Tonbridge Wells and Covent Garden)
Nelsons, Duke Street (Bond Street tube station)
Ainsworths, Cavendish Street (behind Oxford Street)
Remedies can also be purchased from Sheels Pharmacy, Lewisham, Health Matters, Lordship Lane, E Dulwich or Neals Yard, Blackheath.
The following books are a good introduction to Homeopathy
Mo Morish, Homoeopathy. A Rational Choice in Medicine
Miranda Castro, The Complete Homeopathy Handbook
Lockie and Dr Nicola Geddes, The Complete Guide to Homeopathy
George Vithoulkas, A new Model for Health and Disease
There is a lot of excellent free support in both Lewisham and Greenwich:
Baby café’s Lewisham
Baby café’s Greenwich
There are countless sources of information on Breastfeeding online. I love the following because they offer good, evidence based information and support on a range of Breastfeeding issues.
LaLeche League offer fantastic information and support
Association of Breastfeeding Mothers
Phillipa Pearson Glaze
Phillipa is a well respected Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) and a prolific writer – her articles are well worth a read
The Lullaby Trust have updated their safe sleep advice
AIMS (Association for Improvements in Maternity Services is a great resource of evidence based information